About Us
Espy Dot Biz (Espy.Biz) is an internet service and general (virtual) contract business with focus on Transcendental, ICT Procurement; and the creativity of Rebekah-Flora.
Cognitive interaction is a service that assist with self-realization. This service aims to drill your mind or thought process to resolve from within, to build the confidence or stamina to face your difficulty, and clear the impediment.
This service has no guarantee of you achieving the change you desire because, the power for the change is in your own hands and you can't be forced to enact a change even though you desire the change. But this service helps you to see and understand the need for the change you desire.
Cognitive Interaction (CI) is an exclusive service, i.e. it is not opened generally. Clients are (mostly) accepted via referral. The operation of this service is virtual, i.e. online; mostly chat or ethereal - i.e. unseen. A physical or meet up service would only be arranged if quotient. Virtual Cognitive Interaction (VCI) involves corporeal incorporation in the interaction; while Ethereal Cognitive Interaction (ECI) is spirituality inclined - corporeal cooperation is not required. Then Transient Cognitive Interaction is a basic service; which serves as a momentary service or an introductory service (especially for VCI).
ICT Procurement:
In lieu of the company's service being internet based, information technology services that are basic are also rendered. Procurement of ICT materials and/or gadgets are offered as a general contract. Examples of these are, but not limited to, domain registration, website setup, cloud operations.
The Proprietor of the company also uses the service of the company for its virtual presence businesswise.
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